Release The Sensei in High Quality Video..
Now you can watch full The Sensei in best video format with duration 95 Min and has been launched in 2008-05-04 with MPAA rating is 1.Movie synopsis of :
Play full The Sensei in HD Quality with movie plot "Lonely gay teenager, McClain, struggles to fit in with his classmates in a small, conservative Colorado town. After he's severely beaten at school, Karen O'Neil, a martial arts Sensei, secretly trains him to defend himself. When the town discovers their secret, a series of catastrophic events unfolds." in top quality. Free The Sensei in Top Quality.
- Movie title in your country : The Sensei
- Year of movie : 2008
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-05-04
- Companies of movie : Heitmann Entertainment, Zen Mountain,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 95 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,
- Actors of movie :Diana Lee Inosanto (Karen O'Neil), Keith David (Minister), Michael O'Laskey II (McClain Evans), Mark McGraw (Rick Beard), Kerry Knuppe (Brenda), Jeff Liu (Matthew), Jonathan Camp (Craig Beard), Ben Perkins (Buck), Germaine De Leon (Darrel), Scott Cooper Ryan (Clyde), Gina Scalzi (Annie Evans), Spice Williams-Crosby (Judith), Sab Shimono (Taki Nakano), Michael Yama (Yori Nakano), Brad Thornton (Larry - Black Belt), Frank Bryant (Peter O' Neil), Madelon Guinazzo (Jane Norton), Lisa Dalton (Jean Beard), Louis Mandylor (Mark Corey), Sara N. Salazar (Death), Jefferson Arca (Pook), Tzi Ma (Buddhist Monk), Erik Betts (Kevin), Maiz Lucero (Jessie), Rosine 'Ace' Hatem (Deputy Sheriff Taylor), Esperanza Catubig (Melody O'Neil), Mark Steven Grove (Samurai #4), Emily Kuroda (Flora Nakano), Vanessa Phoenix (Activist), Heather Soon (Adult Amy)
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Director : Diana Lee Inosanto, Writer : Diana Lee Inosanto
Of course, now you can watch movie of The Sensei in full length and find the link to this movie The Sensei in top quality.