Best National Velvet in High Definition Format..
Now you can enjoy National Velvet in High Quality Video with duration 123 Min and was published in 1944-12-14 with MPAA rating is 4.- Movie title in your country : National Velvet
- Year of movie : 1944
- Genres of movie : Drama, Family,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1944-12-14
- Companies of movie : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 123 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.9
- Youtube ID of movie : i7j_z3cWv9I
- Translation of movie : EN,PT,IT,FR,DE,ES,HU,
- Actors of movie :Mickey Rooney (Mi Taylor), Donald Crisp (Mr. Brown), Elizabeth Taylor (Velvet Brown), Anne Revere (Mrs. Brown), Angela Lansbury (Edwina Brown), Jackie 'Butch' Jenkins (Donald Brown), Juanita Quigley (Malvolia Brown), Reginald Owen (Farmer Ede), Norma Varden (Miss Sims)
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Movie summary of :
Full Length of National Velvet in High Definition Format with movie synopsis "Mi Taylor was a young wanderer and opportunist whose father had given him "all the roads in the Kingdom" to travel. One of the roads, and a notation in his father's journal, leads him to the quiet English country-side home of the Brown family. The youngest daughter, Velvet, has a passion for horses and when she wins the spirited steed Pie in a town lottery, Mi is encouraged to train the horse..." in best video format. Full Length of National Velvet in Top Quality.
... Best National Velvet in High Definition Format 1080p ...
Director : Clarence Brown, Screenplay : Theodore Reeves, Author : Enid Bagnold
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