Watch Full Max Schmeling in HD Quality..
Now you can watch full Max Schmeling in High Quality Video with duration 118 Min and has been launched in 2010-10-07 and MPAA rating is 3.- Movie title in your country : Max Schmeling
- Year of movie : 2010
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2010-10-07
- Companies of movie : Jadran Film, Boll Kino Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG, Herold Productions,
- Countries of movie : Germany,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Français,
- Durationof movie : 118 Min
- Average vote of movie : 3.2
- Youtube ID of movie : JdoX9SYhl3o
- Translation of movie : DE,DE,EN,RU,PT,FR,ES,
- Actors of movie :Henry Maske (Max Schmeling), Arthur Abraham (Richard Vogt), Susanne Wuest (Anny Ondra), Vladimir Weigl (Joe Jacobs), Yoan Pablo Hernández (Joe Louis), Detlef Bothe (Referee Arthur Donovan), Christian Kahrmann (Hitler's Adjutant Lehmann), Stefan Gebelhoff (David Lewin), Rolf Peter Kahl (Joseph Goebbels), Alain Blazevic (Karel Lamac), Heino Ferch (Max Machon), Arved Birnbaum (Hans v. Tschammer u. Osten), Elliot Cowan (Alan Walken), Klaus Schindler (Surgeon Major Schönn), Enad Licina (Jack Sharkey), Manfred Wolke (Sharkey's Trainer), Ulli Wegner (Vogt's Trainer), Michael Becker (Hamburg Boxer), Andreas Franke (Joe Louis Opponent #1), Rüdiger May (Joe Louis Opponent #3), Stipe Drvis (British Boxer #4), Peter Gilbert Cotton (Arthur Brisbane), Hans-Eckart Eckhardt (Jim Farley), Andreas von Thien (Announcer #1), Tom Sommerlatte (Young Soldier), Micki Bertling (SA Senior Troop Leader Freilach), Angelina Noa (First Aid Nurse Maria), Frank Raffel (First Aid Radio Operator), Martina von Orten (Housekeeper Lilly), Bernd Lambrecht (British Admin. Officer), Sven Medvešek (Cabaret Host), Vanessa Radman (Mrs. Damski), Davorka Tovilo (Cigar Girl), Barbara Prpić (Housekeeper Martha), Josip Perica (Hermann Heller), Besim Mujacic (Referee #1), Uwe Boll (Referee #2), Bernard Ban (Referee #3), Walter Knieps (Referee #4), Alexander Frenkel (Young Stribling), Darko Milas (Stribling's Father), Tomislav Grbavac (Page Boy), Luka Peroš (Referee Smith / Journalist #2), Drazen Bratulic (SA Man), Damir Dolar (Joe Louis Opponent #2), Luka Dragić (Man in Uniform), Vjekoslav Jankovic (Aide of V. Tschammer), Teljko Sestic (Hotel Receptionist), Benedikt Bravenz (Newspaper Boy #1), Karlo Pervan (Newspaper Boy #2), Igor Barberic (Member RMVP), Dunja Sepcic Bogner (Anny's Neighbor Elizabeth Grohmann), Kristijan Mandaric (Neighbor Boy Reinhard Grohmann), Robert Jozinovic (Journalist #1), Dusan Bucan (Journalist #3), Goran Manic (SA Man #2), Mark Boldin (Taxi Driver), Luka Satara (Werner Lewin), Ilija Ante Lovric (Henry Lewin), Sven Jakir (Kristallnacht Rioter), Marinko Les (Farmhand), Vili Matula (Armed Forces Officer), Srecko Borse (Supervisor), Mile Kekin (Gym Owner), Sasa Ivkanec (British Boxer #1), Marko Barisic (British Boxer #2), Antonio Curic (British Boxer #3), Slavko Kurjacki (Hamburg Referee), Leon Tomic (Messenger Boy), Vladimir Tintor (Reporter #1), Taanasa Bunnell (Joe Louis' Mother), Jadranka Tinic Mijatovic (Ring Woman), Nikolina Komljenovic (Juggler #1), Nikola Mijatovic (Juggler #2), Davor Persic (Juggler #3), Niko Radas (Jazz Band Member), Nenad Grahovac (Jazz Band Member), Matej Huljev (Jazz Band Member), Toni Staresinic (Jazz Band Member), Jaksa Kriletic (Jazz Band Member), Igor Dorotic (Jazz Band Member), Joe Thomas (Sports Reporter (voice)), Fabian Huebner (Nazi Officer), Steffen Kuhr (Belt bearer), Zeljko Mavrovic (Boxing Manager #2)
Movie plot of :
Play full Max Schmeling in Best Look with movie summary "Based on the true story of Max Schmeling. A national hero in the 1930's when he became World heavyweight champion. He lost favour with the Nazi regime when he lost to a black man, Joe Louis, and is sent to the front in the hope he will be killed in battle." in high definition format. Best Max Schmeling in High Quality Video.
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Director : Uwe Boll, Writer : Timo Berndt, Cinematography : Mathias Neumann, Editor : Charles Ladmiral, Original Music Composer : Jessica de Rooij, Art Direction : Damir Gabelica, Set Decoration : Daniele Drobny
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